Data meeting December 17, 1952

Place of meeting: Memorial Hall 7 p.m.

Purpose of meeting: formal pledging of candidates for the current school year and formal installation of officers (December to April)

Presiding: Ed Swenson

Present: Small, Walbauer, Houston, Jablonka, Swenson, Tanner, Whitmore, Mason, Woods worth, Lincoln (members); Tuttle, Gore, Richie (advises): Killam, O'Connell, Jim McCain, Jack McCain, Lowery, Mitchell, Rogers, Swensburg, Wordsworth, Corrigon(pledges)

Order of business: the following pledges were formally inducted into Kappa Omicron chapter.

Members participating in the ceremony were Whitmore, Mason, Swenson and Lincoln.

Officers will formally installed.  The next chapter meeting was announced for January 7 at French call, 7:30 p.m.

An Executive Board meeting was scheduled for January 14 at French call, 7:30 p.m.

Refreshments were served.

Respectfully submitted
Robert Edmonds

Next available meeting minutes